Friday, 27 June 2014

Google Account

Setup your Google Account


You only need one Google Account to make use of all of Google’s products like Gmail, Google+, Google Docs and a lot more to mention. To create a Google Account is very easy.

To start go to the “Sign in page” or click on the “Create your Google Account” in the right hand corner of every Google sign in page. The images below show the screen that will appear.


Create your Google Account Create your Google Account


On the right of the screen is a list of fields that need to be filled in by you to create your Google Account. First you enter First Name then your Surname. Next the ask you to choose your username, this is the username that you will use to login to your Google Account. Your username should be 6-30 characters long and you can use letters, numbers and full stops. After you entered in your username, Google will check if the username is still available or not. When the username is not available, the border of the box will become red with the phrase “Someone already has that username. Try another?” will show. By adding your surname or numbers, you can change the username to make it unique and still keep it personal.


Next step is to create your password. Use a mix of letters, numbers and symbols to make it hard to guess, this is a good safety measure. To be extra cautious it is better to change your password often and never give it out to another person. In the next field you enter in your password again. Google will check if both passwords match and you did not make an error by mistake.


Next enter in your birthday and gender. The next two fields are not required but good to fill in. It is useful to fill in your mobile number and alternative email address. When you forgot or lose your password to your Google Account, you can choose one of the two options to reset your password. You will either receive a text message or an email on your previous email address with a verification code to reset your password.


Next to prove you are human and not a robot or computer that is creating a Google Account. You are shown an image of a series of numbers in and odd combination, computers are not able to read these. For us humans it is very easy, only enter the numbers below that is shown. If you are not able to read the numbers, you can click the arrow next to the images and you will receive a new combination of numbers.

Google Account Verification Google Account Verification


Next you select your location and tick the tick box that show you agrees with Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you want to know more about why Google ask this information you can click the link at the bottom of the “Create your Google Account” page.


Next Google will ask you to verify your account by text message. It is very safe to enter your number; Google will never share your number with other companies or use it for marketing purposes. Click “Continue” and enter the code you received by text message and then click again “Continue”.

It is optional to upload a picture; this picture that you upload will be shown on your profile and make it easier for friends to recognize you or you can just select “Next Step”.


That is it; You created your very own Google Account. Well Done.

Google Account

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