Friday, 31 October 2014

Accessing your Gmail Account

Accessing your Gmail Account

The login area of your account has recently changed, it is now centered on the page and has no other information surrounding it. This is the same page where you created your account earlier.



After setting up your Gmail account and confirming everything that needs to be confirmed, you can now edit your Gmail account settings.

You can access all of your settings in the top right hand corner of your account. Your Google+ account appears in the Name section and your profile picture will be displayed in the Photo area, as indicated below.




The small dotted square icon shows you where all your Google Apps are. Click on this and the following links are revealed.

This is the easy way to access features such as Google Drive and your Calendars.

The Gmail search function has also been improved recently. As you search for something in the Gmail search box, the auto complete function offers suggestions that are based upon the content in your emails. This allows you to find and search what you need faster.

A gear icon in the upper right side is where you can edit settings, themes, report a bug or get help regarding your account.

Accessing your Gmail Account

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