As we all are familiar with Google Contacts there are some things we need to know about it that makes the work for user very easy. For those who have been using other email service such as Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL etc they have their contacts saved to their email service. Those contacts can be imported if you want to switch to Gmail Email Service. For example : From Yahoo to Login, you don’t need to start saving your contacts from the beginning. Basically, you don’t need to start fresh from the top saving your contact information of your friends and family that you contact all the time, you can get all your information imported from one email service to another.
Let me go through Google Contacts first. Its simply is a way of managing, organizing, saving contact information of your friends and families. For you reliability Google Contacts can be synchronized to different services of Google to keep updates of you and your contacts. In other words, Google Contact Sync is done to import contacts and emails to Google. To know more about Google Contacts, have a look at Google Contacts.
Importing Contacts to Google has been very helpful to the users all over the globe. They don’t need to redo their contact information all over again. All you need to do is import from one email service to other. Its very simple and helpful for the new users. So How do we Import Contacts to Gmail from another email. Its a very simple procedure in which it requires a CSV file (Comma Separated Values). CSV file can be downloaded from which email service you want to import your contacts to for example : From Hotmail to Gmail. Yahoo Mail to Gmail etc.

Here, I’ll give you an easy procedure on how to import your contacts to Gmail?
If you have your contacts saved to Yahoo, Hotmail or any other email services then first of all you’ll need to login to lets say Hotmail.
To export your mail contacts:
- Go to Option Customize your Contacts Export Contacts.
- Download the CSV file save it to your PC.
- Go to Gmail homepage. Go to Contacts Import Browse the file(CSV).
- Click Import. And you’re done.
For other email services too you need to follow the same procedure except for the options will be quite different. But all you need to do is find Contact related Options.
Import Google Contacts & Emails