Monday, 18 January 2016

Gmail Tabs

Gmail Tabs

Gmail tabs are a relatively new feature. The tabs basically allow you to filter your emails as they come into your inbox. Gmail will automatically assign a tab to each email as they see fit. Not to worry, you can customize this, and you can do away with the tabs feature if you don’t like it!

Gmail Tabs
Gmail Tabs

As you can see from the image above that there are 5 tabs that can be displayed in your account. The 3 main ones are the Primary tab, Social tab and Promotions tabs.

For example any emails coming from sites like Facebook will be filtered into your Social tab. Any type of promotional email will be placed into the Promotions tab.

You can also choose to have the updates and forums tabs displayed.

If you don’t like or want these tabs to display just go into your settings and click on Configure Inbox – then uncheck the applicable boxes – easy!

Now one issue that may crop up is that your emails may go into the wrong tab. Or you may prefer certain social or promotional emails to go into your main or primary tab! There is an easy remedy for this.

Note: Before disabling this option you should try it out, you may actually like the filtering effect and it can make reading your emails easier.

To ensure that your emails go into the correct tab you simply have to drag the email into the right tab.

There are two easy ways to accomplish this:

  1. Go to the email you want to move and you will see two rows of dotted lines appear, simply drag this into the correct tab. A pop up will ask whether you want all these emails to be directed into this tab, just answer yes and you are done.

  2. Click on the check box on the side of each email and right click with your mouse. You will be given the option of Move to Tab – choose which tab you want to assign your email to. You will also be asked to confirm your choice.

Gmail Tabs
Gmail Tabs

If you like what you read about Gmail please remember to share Login Email on Facebook, Twitter or wherever you guys want it’s all appreciated.

Hope you guys have a great time on Login Email. And yes please help me by promoting Login Email. :)

Thank You

Login Email

Gmail Tabs

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