Saturday, 4 July 2015

Google Maps



Well, okay, you can sure use Google Maps to navigate through your way. But do you know there are so many things about Google Maps that can make your job a lot easier? So, here are some tips and tricks to help you navigate Google Maps in a much simpler and user-friendly way:

Tap and Zoom

[caption id="attachment_542" align="aligncenter" width="168"] Google Maps

Suppose you are driving, you suddenly forgot your way, you aren’t carrying a map (Well, that’s not really abnormal. Nobody does, nowadays!) and your car has no cell phone holder. Let’s make it tougher, you can’t really pull over to the side because you’re stuck in the middle of a busy traffic. What do you do? Obviously take out your phone, open Google Maps and fidget with it using your one hand. Now, you did find the right path but you need to zoom in to check out the landmarks and obviously, you can’t use the pinch-and-zoom feature with just one hand. That’s when this trick comes around like Superman to save you! All you need to do is double-tap the screen and while doing so, don’t let go off after the second tap. Slide your finger upwards to zoom out, or downwards to zoom in.

Independent of Internet

How many times have you ended up cursing your pathetic network when you were lost and desperately needed directions but maps simply won’t work? Well, save counting them off on your fingers because here is the one-stop solution that Google Maps offers you. You can save maps and access them even when you don’t have an internet connection.

Google Maps[/caption]

Here’s how you do it: When you are connected to the internet and are viewing a certain section of the map you’d want to save, just go to the search box and type “OK Maps.” As soon as you do that, you’ll get a tiny message in a bubble at the bottom saying “The on-screen map has been cached.” So, the next time you open Google Maps, you will still be able to view that particular section and if your GPS is enabled, you’ll also spot yourself on the map. Only, you won’t be able to get directions or search for locations.

This is highly beneficial when you are stuck somewhere without a data connection or if you are traveling to places and can’t manage the huge roaming charges that come with data connections.

Flights, Events and much More!

For all of you who think Google Maps are only about driving directions, spoiler alert! You cannot just figure out how to drive from one place to another, but also how you can fly right there. It is more or less similar to driving instructions. All you’ve got to do is choose your starting point and your destination and click on the option “See results on Google Flights”. That’s it. Easy-peasy.

Also, if you check out any venue on the desktop version of Google Maps, you’ll also find an option just below other information that reads “Upcoming Events”. Click on that and you’ll be led to a list of all events that are to be held in that particular venue in the near future. Dear Google, We love you for giving us . Yours truly, The Federation Of Lazy People.

We’re all living sedentary lives, and frankly, none of us really has the time to carry newspapers and maps with us everywhere we go. So, Google Maps on your phone is not just an asset, it is a necessity.

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Thank You

Google Maps

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