Monday, 14 July 2014

Common Gmail Login problems and their solutions!

Gmail offers some of the best and most complex security and user features, while also being accessible and easy to use. But this combination is a delicate balance to achieve.

As such, if someone finds them caught in the grey area in between, their Gmail experience can become complicated and riddled with problems.

One such common problem that can occur is Gmail login issues – i.e. Gmail login page not allowing them to get into their account.

Gmail login problems are commonly caused by certain repeated issues. Read on to know more about and rectify your Gmail login problem!

First for those who forgot their passwords
Use your alternate e-mail ID or phone number:

If your Gmail login problem is not so much a website related malfunction, but because you aren’t sure of your Gmail login ID or password, then never fear. This is the easiest Gmail login problem to fix.

At the time of your signing up with Gmail, you will have registered an alternate e-mail address and your phone number. Now, the website will prompt whether to send your password to you at either of these places.

If you are still using this alternate e-mail ID or cell phone number, simply click yes and you will get the password and instructions sent to you, simple as that!

If you can’t use that:

So the cell phone number registered with Gmail isn’t your current number, i.e., you have changed your phone number. And on top of that, you are not sure of the password and login details of your alternate e-mail ID either.

In that case, you can always choose to go in with the security question. Just answer the simple question picked by you, and you can get the password.

If, for some reason, you are not able to answer right for the security question either, the only option left is the Account Recovery Form, where you will fill in your details to prove you are the owner of that account. If you can prove that, Gmail will contact you and send you the password for your account.

If you’re sure your password and ID are correct, but still can’t log in

Web browser Cookies settings:

If you are on a new computer/browser and the Gmail login problem could be because of cookies. Google and all its daughter websites – like Gmail – need the browser to have cookies enabled to function.

So click on the Tools or Settings tab of whichever browser you are using, search for the Options which says ‘Cookies’ and in there, ensure ‘Enable Cookies’ is ticked.

Web browser issues:

There are two sides to this cause for your Gmail login problem. One is caused by Outdated Web browser and another is caused by extremely up-to-date web browser.

Here’s how it goes.

Are you the kind of person who keeps hitting ‘Ignore’ whenever the web browser you are using prompts you to update it? In this case, that could be a problem.

Websites like Gmail are re-configured and updated every few months to cater to the latest browsers and gadgets. If your web browser is several months to years out of date, then it is definitely going to be causing problems.

Solution – Update your web browser!

Another could be that your browser or software is a little too up-to-date and Gmail hasn’t made the tweaks necessary to accommodate this yet. In such cases, your only option is to find another device with a different OS/browser to login in to Gmail from!

Internet Connection issues:

Gmail needs a good, high speed internet connection. If your internet connection is too slow or too weak in case of Wi-Fi or 3G connectivity, then Gmail Login can give you lots of issues.

Solution – Well, there is the obvious ‘get a faster internet connection’ advice. But in case you are not able to do that, for now the immediate solution would be to log in to Gmail using their handy HTML webpage layout, which is designed specifically for low speed and bad internet connections.

In the Gmail login page, you will have an option that states ‘Log in using HTML for slower connections’. Clicking on that will lead to faster usability and results. The HTML page does not have full features of a normal Gmail account – but it does get the job done!

Infected host files and malwares:

Google Chrome and Gmail both install parts of their data in your computer for easy access purposes and to enable their launch. If these files of Gmail or Google Chrome are infected by computer viruses, then it could contribute to not letting you log in to Gmail.

Solution – Run an anti-virus scan. Check the host files especially to see if they are carrying any malware. When the anti-virus prompts, click ‘yes’ to delete all viruses and the infected host files.

Firewall and Anti-popup software

Sometimes Firewall, Anti-popup/ Anti-advertisement and other security software installed in a browser can cause Log in troubles, due to a perceived breach of safety and security by these software.

Solution – Find the ‘Make Exceptions’ option in your software and add Gmail to the software’s security exceptions. If you are unable to do that or the software is still causing trouble, disable or uninstall it.

Internet Configuration Problems:

Check if Gmail login is the only page that is having issues or if other e-mail or social networking websites are also giving log in problems. If yes, it may be a configuration problem in your internet connection modem or router.

Solution – Call in your local network service provider and review if your Internet options are all properly configured. If not, fix any discrepancies with his assistance.

Client Settings configuration:

Do you outsource your Gmail account and use it for multiple log in portals in different sites? For example, do you use the same Gmail ID to log in to Outlook express, Facebook, Youtube and other websites?

In this case, some virus or hack in even one of these sites or a change in options in one site can cause problems with your Gmail login.

Solution – Click on the log in options that allow Gmail to search for hacks or misuse of the ID and request Gmail to send verification code to your safety ID or your cell phone number.

These are some of the most common Gmail Login problems faced by a person. If none of this apply to you and you are still unable to log in to your Gmail account, contact the Gmail Login Help and inform them of your login issues!

Common Gmail Login problems and their solutions!

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