Friday, 25 July 2014

Gmail Sign Up

Setup your Gmail Sign Up Account


With one Gmail sign up Account you can make use of the following Google products that include Gmail, Google docs, Google + and many more. For the Official Gmail login page please go to or

Gmail sign up, to start you go to The Sign Up Page and click on Create an Account on the bottom of the page. The image below shows how the page looks like.

Google Account Setup Google Account Setup

Gmail™ webmail service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

After you clicked on Create an Account the following page should display.


Create Your Google Account Create Your Google Account

Gmail™ webmail service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

Gmail sign up, on the right of the screen is the list of fields that need to be filled in. Enter in your full name. Next Choose your username that you will use to log in to your Google account. Your username can be 6-30 characters long, you can use letters, numbers and full stops. After filling in your username, Google will check availability. If the username is taken, the border will change red and the phrase “Someone already has that username. Try another?” will appear. You can add your last name or numbers and change the username and keep it personal.

Gmail sign up, Next Create a Password. Use a mix of letters, numbers and symbols to create your password. Make sure the password is not easily guessed by hackers. Change your password monthly to make it more secure from hackers. In the following field enter the same password again. Google will check if both passwords matched to make sure you did not make a typing mistake.

Enter next your Birthday and select your Gender. Fill in your mobile phone number and your current email address. This is not required but very useful when you forgot your password for your Google Account, you may choose the option to receive a text message or email on your previous email address with a verification code to rest your password.


Prove you Prove you’re not a robot

Gmail™ webmail service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

By filling Prove you’re not a Robot in you prove that you are not a robot or computer who is creating a Google Account. You are shown a random image or series of numbers in an odd formation that computers are not capable of reading. For us people it is really simple, just enter the same number in the field Type the Text: That is shown above. If you are not able to read the numbers, click the arrow next to Type the Text: and you will receive a new set of numbers or click on the speaker icon next to Type the Text: to hear the numbers.

Gmail sign up, The only thing left to do is to select your location and select the text box next to “I agree to Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.” If you want to learn more about why Google ask for all this all  information you can click the link at the page or you can click here.

Click on “Next step”. Google will ask you to verify your account by text message. It is very safe to enter your Mobile Phone number, Google will never share your number with other companies or use it for marketing purposes. Click “Continue” and enter in the code that you receive in a text message from Google then click “Continue”.

It is optional to upload a picture, this image will be shown on your account profile. This will make it easier for friends to recognize and find you Or you can choose “Next Step”.

Congratulations. You’re done! You created your very own Google Account. You have completed the Gmail sign up.

Gmail Sign Up

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