Friday, 25 July 2014

Gmail LogIn Home Page

Gmail LogIn Home Page, to open a new Gmail Account is very easy. The Google Team made creating a Gmail Account easy for all users from Novice to Expert. All the steps is basically very easy and simple to follow and understand. Click on Gmail’s homepage( and you will see the link Create an account. For the Official Gmail login page please go to or

Create an Account e account All of Google. Start Page


SignUp(Create an account):

Clicking on the link Create an account signifies that you want to signup for a Gmail account and that you agree with Gmail’s terms and conditions. You must carefully read gmail terms and conditions. Simply click on create an account and fill in all mandatory and required fields such as name, date of your birth and so on. A Notification message will pop up on your mobile phone which you may have entered while signing up. This is nothing but a verification code for security purposes, an word which you should enter in the appropriated space given. The next level after sign up is a page for creating your username for your account or email address.

Gmail™ webmail service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

Gmail account username:

In this step you will be creating your username that will be displayed when you send an email ( or use the chat service. When you create a Gmail account for official purposes you can try your full name, but it is your choice. After entering your username of choice, one can check for the availability of your chosen username. If any other Google account user selected the same username previously, then it will not be available but if that happens you can slightly change your username for example username to username1234 and so on.

Create an Google / Gmail account Create a Google / Gmail account


Managing your Gmail account:

After entering in all the required fields, you can put in a security question to help you reset your password in the case you forget your password in the future. You must generally change your password frequently to avoid your account being hacked or compromised. You can manage these settings easy without any hassles.

Gmail™ webmail service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

Choose a good photograph of yourself and attach it to your profile, your contacts and friends will see this picture. This is easy to understand and use.


When you are finish creating your Gmail account you can invite all your friends / family and send them invites. Then a link will appear to continue to Gmail. This link will directly take you to your new Gmail account which is now active and accessible. Take some time to enjoy your new Gmail account.


The following page will appear where you begin the log in process. You will be asked to enter in basic information like name, surname, desired email address, password, birthday and some more things.


Next page will show your username and gives you the change to change your profile picture. The profile picture is important because this is the same picture that will be attached to your Gmail account for all activities, including Google Plus, Google Circles, Gmail and Chrome. This is all you need to know about Gmail LogIn Home Page.


Gmail LogIn Home Page

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