Sunday, 31 August 2014

Google Docs

Google Docs

Google docs now upgraded to Google drive is one of the best online storage spaces available today. It offers more storage space than any other in the market and is versatile in its usability. You can create, share, edit and upload files and access them while on the go and all that you need is to be registered on Google. These files are stored on cloud or Google servers so that your files are never lost. Here is Google Docs URL:

Google Docs Google Docs

Google™ Docs service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


In fact, Google docs is more than just a storage tool as it also syncs in other Google applications like YouTube, Google calendar, Google maps and others where you can view, edit and manage all under one window.

Let us look at the other features of Google docs.

Storage – One of the best storage space in the market, it offers 15GB of free space. This space does not include space from documents that you create on Google docs which means you can store a ton of files from external sources. Additional space can be purchased at a nominal monthly fee.

Documents management – It is so easy to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations and manage them as well. You may also upload folders, and other files by the click of a button. The files that you edit or create online are auto saved on a timely basis and the edits can be retrieved from revision history option within the files in case of an unfortunate shut down of the working doc. Also these files can be deleted or downloaded. Deleted items are sent to trash which is then permanently deleted on thirty days.

Folders – You can create folders within the drive and drag and drop existing files into the folders to be more organized.

Sharing and Publishing – Another interesting feature offered by Google docs is that of sharing which is controllable on the level of individual file or to folders. You can share your files to a select few or choose to publish your work on the web. There is an easy way to see your own files from the files that are shared with you; a “shared with me” button on the left will help you manage that. Shared documents can be given just view rights, comment rights and rights to view and edit. What’s interesting is that all the members that the document is shared with can edit it at the same time and the activity can be seen by the others. Documents can also be shared with people who are not on Google docs and this will be sent as an attachment via email.

Activity log – There is a small icon on the top left that allows you to see details such as created date, privacy and ownership and also check any modifications that have happened on it since.

If you have the Google drive plug-in, you can also save a certain web page or a document that you are viewing right now, just right click and either save the page as a screen shot picture or as a link. It is that easy.

Google docs have taken cloud computing to the next level by offering much more beyond space.

Google Docs

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Correct Gmail Login Page

Correct Official Gmail Login Page


Here is the Official URL to login to Gmail:


Wrong Gmail Search Terms

Here is all the Possible wrong Gmail Search Terms that you may have used in to find the Gmail Login Page:

gmail .com email,, gmail.sign,, log in, login at, gmail l ogin, gmai login page, sin in, logintogmail, log g mail, google login, sign in to g, gmail to email, gmail lokin, sign in email account gmail, glogin gmail, log into google mail account, gmail.log, wwwgmail:com,, signin gamil, gmail account l, gmail sign op, new login in gmail, www create new account,, log in gmaill, login, http, mail gmail com sign in, gmail log in mail, gmail login, login to gmail account page, log, log-in, www.gmailsign in .com, email login page, home gmail, log in, gmail sifn in, sigh in gmail, https.//, gmail singnup, gnail log in, gmail webmail login, log-in to gmail, gmail. com mail login, gmail sign in new page, google gmail login page, gmails login, googleemail login, sign in account,, homepage gmail account, gmail sing in .com, gmail sign in/, www.sign, https://gmail log in,, gmail log up, in,, .com login, wwwgmailcom co gmail sign, gmail l8gin, gmai account login,, new login, login to g mail account, ww, google mail, gmail email loging,,!, http://gmail login, gmail login to check email, how to sign into gmail email, gmail sign login up, g mail loging, sign in, sign in on, create account, g maillog in,, gmailsighn up, gmail + sign up,, www.gmailm, new login to gmail, gmail login gmail account, www gmaillogin co in, gmail einloggen, gmail lgon,, https //www.g, new account, gmail.sin up, email, sign up for a gmail, google account,,, ttp//, gmail log in sign in, sign up account, www.gamail. com, http// sign in,, my gmail sign in page, sign in to gmai, inbox log in, gmail google account login, “, google, sign on, g mail.sign up,, gmail sign upp, gmail email account sign in page, https://www.g, sign inbox, gmail email account log in,, login/gmail,, gmail sign account, welcome to gmail login sign up, gmail sign in +, www.gmailncom, gmailm login, mail sign in to gmail, sign in for gmail account inbox, email log in, gmail email sign up, gmial log in, log onto, new account gmail sign in, gmail login email address, www gmailaccount login com, wwwgmailcom.i, gmail sign in page for email, gmail l;ogin, email @, sign in, login home page, sign in email gmail account, www.gmailcomm, gmail l9gin, gmailo sign up, sign in login, to sign in,, g mail sigin, login in gmail email, gmail.signin, log in, logon to, login, sign up from gmail, www.sign in gmail account, gmail login in box, log on, www.g-mail .com, sign in

Correct Gmail Login Page

Google News

What is Google News?

How about your palatable delicacy cooked in distinct kitchens is served to you in one platter in a more digestible form? Wouldn’t it be a delightful experience? This is what Google News is all about. Following X source of news exclusively will never let you fraternize with what Y source has got for you and you may miss out onto something. Google News is a website that aggregates news from worldwide sources, organizing similar stories together and grading them on their relevance, freshness and location. Google News URL:

Google News Google News

Google™ News service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


  • Alerts – Subscribe for e-mail news alert on the topic of your interest.

  • News Archive Search –Update your history by getting archives dating back to 200 years.

  • News for mobile phone –If you are habitual of reading news on to go you can access Google News through your smart phones.

  • Personalized News – Consume only what is toothsome for you. Why read anything and everything?

  • Feeds –Subscribe for various sections of Google News using RSS and Atom feeds and receive updates.


Google News Google News

Google™ News service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


Google News holds news relating to the past 30 days. It attends 4500 worldwide sources and produce content of around 25000 publishers. It is accessible for nearly 60 regions and in 28 languages approximately.

Publishers enjoy twin benefit from Google news as their news content is not only included in Google News but also surfaces up in the organic search results for Google web search.

Gazettes are recommended to create separate sitemaps for Google News which will help their content to be discovered faster with display of more accurate information of the publisher.

Discovery Crawl helps crawl up the site of publisher if they update it consistently. Google News identifies news snippets and groups them into clusters and then ranks them on the basis of certain criteria. For e.g. newness, geographic relevance, authenticity etc.

To drive more traffic news agencies can insert large JPEG, PNG, GIF images that meet Google News specifications. Place them adjacent to title to make it relevant to news piece. Appending a You Tube video associated to the subject matter can be a more effective idea.

Ensure a proper and unique URL for your website which is permanent. Your article’s title should be eye catching. Make sure your article fluidity doesn’t break because of comments, links and advertisements. Put the date between title and the article body to make it visible.


Google’s move of not publishing censored content of People’s Republic of China was criticized. It was penalized for $ 17.5 million for violating copyright norms of Agence France-Presse (AFP) as Google News

Google News

Test Post from Gmail Login Email

Test Post from Gmail Login Email

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Google Earth

Google Earth-your guide to the world!

What is Google earth?

Google Earth is a world’s 3D atlas. A software program offering virtual imagery, maps and geographical information was developed by Keyhole Inc. and taken over by Google in 2004. Here is the URL for Google Earth:

Google Earth Google Earth

Google™ Earth service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

To Download the latest version of Google Earth for PC, Mac, or Linux


How it all got started?

San Jose Water Company proposed Big Creek Lumber a logging plan in Santa Cruz Mountains. Residents were mailed a legal notice regarding logging and a vague black and white map. Google Earth Outreach Engineering Manager Rebecca Moore was a passionate environmentalist. She was a part of a community group NAIL (Neighbor Against Irresponsible Logging). She created an alternative map on Google Earth clearly highlighting areas to be affected by logging and California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection declined the approval for logging. This was the beginning of a revolution called Google Earth.

Google Earth- a blessing!

Google Earth has been serviceable in protecting Sumatran Tiger Cubs by World Wildlife Fund. It helped HALO Trust to identify and cart off landmines. It was also used in rescue operation when New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina and Haiti trembled by an earthquake.

Educators are using Google Earth as a teaching aid to teach students Geographical topics and help them understand the world around better. It can be used to locate gas stations, petrol pumps, restaurants, hotels, museums and other hangout zones.


  • Borders and Labels-Borders stamps territorial borders and labels tag water bodies.

  • Road-displays highways, pedestrian walkways and other road networks in distinct colors.

  • Weather- Clouds, Conditions and forecast, information and radar, tell a whole lot about a place’s climate.

  • Gallery-make available photographs and videos from Google News, NASA, New York Times, You Tube etc.

  • Various other tools like Global Awareness, Ocean, Sky Layer and Mars Layer are also useful.



  • Google Earth’s partnership with the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) devised Google Sky to display images of celestial bodies.

  • The Street View provides a 360o bird’s eye view of cities and it’s surrounding areas.

  • Google Ocean can be used to zoom in the ocean beds.

  • Historical imagery offer past records useful in archeological research and studies.


Google Earth is available with three different licenses-Google Earth a free version, Google Earth Pro for commercial purpose and Google Earth Plus which has now been scrapped.

Google Earth has been criticized as it is a threat to a country’s security. Offering high resolution images of any country’s sensitive areas can be a matter of concern for any nation. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam India’s former President and Scientist and ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) were critical about Google Earth.

Google Earth is a free of cost, easy to use and install software program furnishing geographical information. It is an educational tool, suitable for enquiries and also has a public discussion forum. Several versions of Google Earth like Mac, Linux, Android and iOS have been released.

Google Earth

Monday, 25 August 2014

Google Mail


After creating a revolution in the world of personal e-mails, Google Mail moves on to bringing about a new wave in the world of professional e-mails as well. It doesn’t really matter if it is a little business or a huge company; if you have a domain, you NEED to have an e-mail account as well. Google Mail gives you just the right solution. Here is a little tutorial (with pictures) to help you set up your own professional Google Mail account.

Step 1: Start Off with Setting Up Google Apps

  1. Go to


Google Mail Google Mail


  1. Enter your domain name in the box as shown (Note that you just have to enter your domain name WITHOUT the http://www.


Google Mail Google Mail


  1. Fill in the required details (your username and password). Your password should contain minimum 8 characters and try putting in a mixture of symbols and other characters to make it stronger.


Google Mail Google Mail


  1. Next, fill in the details of your company (the name, the address, the phone number) and it is recommended that you keep the alternate e-mail address as your personal e-mail address so that just in case you lose out on this one, you can easily get back the access by using your personal e-mail address.

Google Mail Google Mail



  1. Agree with the terms and conditions (Google Mail has to have a few gives and takes, doesn’t it) and press on the blue button to create your account. Congratulations, your account has been created. Now, we move on to domain verification.

Step 2: Verify Your Domain

  1. As soon as you are done with the registration, Google Mail directs you to a page wherein you have to choose between two methods of Domain Verification – Express or Custom. Basically, domain verification is the process of verifying your ownership of the domain. Express is recommended because it is faster and easier.

Google Mail Google Mail



  1. There are two types of methods for domain verification:

a)     Recommended- Upload the HTML file by using FTP software

b)    Alternate- Further comprises of three methods:

i.            HTML tag

ii.            Google Analytics

iii.            Domain Name Provider

Unless you have an excellent command over FTP, it would be recommended that you go for the simplest method that is inserting an HTML tag. You can find this option in the ‘Alternate methods’ tab.

Google Mail Google Mail



  1. You will obtain an HTML code that you are supposed to copy and paste in your site’s home page. As soon as you’ve done that, return to the Verification page and hit “Verify”.


Google Mail Google Mail


Now, that’s pretty much it. Congratulations, you have successfully created a professional Google Mail account and verified your domain. But, why would you WANT a professional Google Mail account in the first place? Here’s why:

  1. So much space, you can build a house in there! Google offers you more than 10 GB of storage space so you won’t ever have to delete any important mail or document.

  2. Google Mail has a very infamous reputation with spam, since it kills those poor things even before they enter your inbox!

  3. Amazing levels of security. Getting your Google Mail account hacked will b a feat even if you yourself want to try it. It uses HTTPS encryption to guarantee you maximum security.

And probably the best part is: Google Mail gives you all this for Free!

Google Mail

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Google Calendar


If organizer diaries have been going down for losses, we know exactly whom to blame – Google Calendar. Not only does it simplify the processing and managing of your personal events, but also it helps you in managing the schedule of the ones with whom you want to make plans. Well, that doesn’t really qualify for being called “social work”, but yeah, you can help manage people’s schedules, you can tally them with yours so as to figure out when all of y’all can be free and also, you can have team calendars to plan out team events. This article tells you how you can find out a perfect slot for your party or your meeting simply by using Google Calendar.

Layering Multiple Calendars

What is it?

Suppose you are planning to arrange a small get-together with a few of your friends, but aren’t sure when all of them will be free to come around. Imagine sitting out with all their schedules, trying to find the perfect slot for the party. Tedious, isn’t it? Google Calendar makes it super-simple for you. All you’ve got to do is – layer their calendars on top of yours and it’ll show you just the right slots you can choose for your get-together.

Google Calendar Google Calendar

You can choose from calendars in My Calendars (these are the ones that you have permission to view, manage and modify) or Other Calendars (these are the ones that can only be viewed by you). The slots outlined in red are the ones that have not been assigned any event or task in any of the layered calendars, and hence you can select any of them for your get-together.

How do you add your friends’ calendars?

In the Add a coworker’s calendar field, start entering the e-mail addresses of the people whose calendars you wish to view, one at a time. If they’ve already opted for their calendars to be shared, you’ll see their names appearing below. Else, a dialog box will appear wherein you’ll have to send them an invite requesting them to share their calendar with you. Once they accept your invite, you will receive an e-mail notification telling you so.

Google Calendar Google Calendar

How to do THE THING?

This is the major part and also, the simplest of them all. All you need to do is, click on the name of the person or the calendar listed in either of the sections and lo and behold, the calendars will get layered on top of yours! If there is a colored box next to a calendar or if the person’s name is displayed, it means that this specific calendar can be layered on top of yours. Google Calendar, boy, you’re making us really lazy!

Google Calendar Google Calendar

For hiding or removing any calendar, simply click on the name of the individual or the calendar with a colored box next to it.

Also, if you are too layered up and wish to see only your calendar, you won’t have to get rid of all of them by finding and clicking on the names. All you’ve got to do is find the arrow located next to your own name or calendar, click on it and select Display only this calendar. Your job is done. This works not just for your calendar, but for any calendar with the colored box next to it.

Now, the golden question – Why?

  • Google Calendar lets you organize all your calendars in one single place, so you won’t have to be all messy and carry around a different diary for work and a different one for family picnics.

  • Using Google Calendar, you can not only manage your own schedule, you can let others manage it for you or, for a change, you can be the less messed-up one and help them manage their! Oh, Google Calendar, you’re such an angel.

  • You can load public calendars with your own calendar using Google Calendar. For example, you can layer your company’s holiday schedule with your calendar.

  • You can sync your Google Calendar with your phone and that way, you can manage all your events, your anniversaries and your meetings right on the go! Easy-peasy, isn’t it?

So, get rid of organizer diaries and simply download the Google Calendar on your phone or desktop and watch your life getting simpler, happier and obviously, lazier!

Google Calendar

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Google Maps

Google maps are a wonderful tool that facilitates ease of travel. With an array of options that it has to offer, there is no more ambiguity in travel time, route options, directions and much more.


Being one of the most downloaded and used apps, Google maps have taken the market for both utility and popularity.

Google Maps Google Maps

Google™ Maps service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


Let’s see the different features of this tool and how you can best use it :-


Search – On opening Google maps you will find a search bar on top of the page, here you type what you are looking for and hit enter. Search options are versatile and throw results on searches based on address of place; name of place, nearby areas, latitude and longitude coordinates or even by name of a contact in your address book.


Getting more out of your search – Once you type in your search, there will be an option on the results that say “search nearby” This is helpful if you would like to see what’s located close to your intended area of visit. You will also see other details on Google maps for e.g. If you are searching for a coffee shop, on hitting enter, you will see details like the complete address, the phone number, the website and timings.


Share and Save – Your search results can also be shared and saved with the “share” and “save” options for ease of use the next time around.


Directions – This is one of the most popular features of Google maps. To get directions, search for the location of interest. Then click on the “get directions”, enter your starting point. You will be presented with a list of different route options with traffic, distance and time stated clearly, select the one of your convenience. The selected route will be reflected as blue lines. Multiple driving options are also covered here. There is an “add” button below the final destination where you can enter another destination, therefore taking care of your entire trip.


Driving options – You can select different modes of transport such as cycling, driving, public transport or even walking, at the top of the Google maps and the route results will vary based on selection.


Traffic information – Traffic alert will be shown as red, yellow or orange patches within the blue lines to indicate the severity of traffic. You may also choose to change your routes by simply clicking on the path that you prefer and the estimated distance and time taken will be re-calculated.


View options – An unmatched imagery can be experienced without even leaving your room. Google maps have gone a notch higher compared to others in the market to provide various view options apart from the standard view. You can see a real life image of how your selected location looks like this is called the street view. To access this, you may drag and drop the yellow doll or pegman to the route. You can also see what an inside of a business or shop may look like before you pay a visit yourself. The much talked about 3D and satellite imagery is no hype as you can see for yourself how Google has managed so successfully to bring to a global image at the click of a button.


Customize – Google maps also come with an option to customize and manage your locations. You can save your favorite locations as and when and Google will pick it up to show you your travel history and get directions based on your current location to these areas.


With so much that you can do, maps can be used for not just travel. You can do anything from check the traffic on a certain route to plan the route for your next road trip, not only this but also see how this route would look like when you do so. Indeed, Google can be considered as the biggest innovator of path breaking products and Google maps is proof to one such.

Google Maps