Thursday, 28 August 2014

Google Earth

Google Earth-your guide to the world!

What is Google earth?

Google Earth is a world’s 3D atlas. A software program offering virtual imagery, maps and geographical information was developed by Keyhole Inc. and taken over by Google in 2004. Here is the URL for Google Earth:

Google Earth Google Earth

Google™ Earth service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.

To Download the latest version of Google Earth for PC, Mac, or Linux


How it all got started?

San Jose Water Company proposed Big Creek Lumber a logging plan in Santa Cruz Mountains. Residents were mailed a legal notice regarding logging and a vague black and white map. Google Earth Outreach Engineering Manager Rebecca Moore was a passionate environmentalist. She was a part of a community group NAIL (Neighbor Against Irresponsible Logging). She created an alternative map on Google Earth clearly highlighting areas to be affected by logging and California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection declined the approval for logging. This was the beginning of a revolution called Google Earth.

Google Earth- a blessing!

Google Earth has been serviceable in protecting Sumatran Tiger Cubs by World Wildlife Fund. It helped HALO Trust to identify and cart off landmines. It was also used in rescue operation when New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina and Haiti trembled by an earthquake.

Educators are using Google Earth as a teaching aid to teach students Geographical topics and help them understand the world around better. It can be used to locate gas stations, petrol pumps, restaurants, hotels, museums and other hangout zones.


  • Borders and Labels-Borders stamps territorial borders and labels tag water bodies.

  • Road-displays highways, pedestrian walkways and other road networks in distinct colors.

  • Weather- Clouds, Conditions and forecast, information and radar, tell a whole lot about a place’s climate.

  • Gallery-make available photographs and videos from Google News, NASA, New York Times, You Tube etc.

  • Various other tools like Global Awareness, Ocean, Sky Layer and Mars Layer are also useful.



  • Google Earth’s partnership with the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) devised Google Sky to display images of celestial bodies.

  • The Street View provides a 360o bird’s eye view of cities and it’s surrounding areas.

  • Google Ocean can be used to zoom in the ocean beds.

  • Historical imagery offer past records useful in archeological research and studies.


Google Earth is available with three different licenses-Google Earth a free version, Google Earth Pro for commercial purpose and Google Earth Plus which has now been scrapped.

Google Earth has been criticized as it is a threat to a country’s security. Offering high resolution images of any country’s sensitive areas can be a matter of concern for any nation. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam India’s former President and Scientist and ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) were critical about Google Earth.

Google Earth is a free of cost, easy to use and install software program furnishing geographical information. It is an educational tool, suitable for enquiries and also has a public discussion forum. Several versions of Google Earth like Mac, Linux, Android and iOS have been released.

Google Earth

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