Sunday, 24 August 2014

Google Calendar


If organizer diaries have been going down for losses, we know exactly whom to blame – Google Calendar. Not only does it simplify the processing and managing of your personal events, but also it helps you in managing the schedule of the ones with whom you want to make plans. Well, that doesn’t really qualify for being called “social work”, but yeah, you can help manage people’s schedules, you can tally them with yours so as to figure out when all of y’all can be free and also, you can have team calendars to plan out team events. This article tells you how you can find out a perfect slot for your party or your meeting simply by using Google Calendar.

Layering Multiple Calendars

What is it?

Suppose you are planning to arrange a small get-together with a few of your friends, but aren’t sure when all of them will be free to come around. Imagine sitting out with all their schedules, trying to find the perfect slot for the party. Tedious, isn’t it? Google Calendar makes it super-simple for you. All you’ve got to do is – layer their calendars on top of yours and it’ll show you just the right slots you can choose for your get-together.

Google Calendar Google Calendar

You can choose from calendars in My Calendars (these are the ones that you have permission to view, manage and modify) or Other Calendars (these are the ones that can only be viewed by you). The slots outlined in red are the ones that have not been assigned any event or task in any of the layered calendars, and hence you can select any of them for your get-together.

How do you add your friends’ calendars?

In the Add a coworker’s calendar field, start entering the e-mail addresses of the people whose calendars you wish to view, one at a time. If they’ve already opted for their calendars to be shared, you’ll see their names appearing below. Else, a dialog box will appear wherein you’ll have to send them an invite requesting them to share their calendar with you. Once they accept your invite, you will receive an e-mail notification telling you so.

Google Calendar Google Calendar

How to do THE THING?

This is the major part and also, the simplest of them all. All you need to do is, click on the name of the person or the calendar listed in either of the sections and lo and behold, the calendars will get layered on top of yours! If there is a colored box next to a calendar or if the person’s name is displayed, it means that this specific calendar can be layered on top of yours. Google Calendar, boy, you’re making us really lazy!

Google Calendar Google Calendar

For hiding or removing any calendar, simply click on the name of the individual or the calendar with a colored box next to it.

Also, if you are too layered up and wish to see only your calendar, you won’t have to get rid of all of them by finding and clicking on the names. All you’ve got to do is find the arrow located next to your own name or calendar, click on it and select Display only this calendar. Your job is done. This works not just for your calendar, but for any calendar with the colored box next to it.

Now, the golden question – Why?

  • Google Calendar lets you organize all your calendars in one single place, so you won’t have to be all messy and carry around a different diary for work and a different one for family picnics.

  • Using Google Calendar, you can not only manage your own schedule, you can let others manage it for you or, for a change, you can be the less messed-up one and help them manage their! Oh, Google Calendar, you’re such an angel.

  • You can load public calendars with your own calendar using Google Calendar. For example, you can layer your company’s holiday schedule with your calendar.

  • You can sync your Google Calendar with your phone and that way, you can manage all your events, your anniversaries and your meetings right on the go! Easy-peasy, isn’t it?

So, get rid of organizer diaries and simply download the Google Calendar on your phone or desktop and watch your life getting simpler, happier and obviously, lazier!

Google Calendar

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