Sunday, 31 August 2014

Google Docs

Google Docs

Google docs now upgraded to Google drive is one of the best online storage spaces available today. It offers more storage space than any other in the market and is versatile in its usability. You can create, share, edit and upload files and access them while on the go and all that you need is to be registered on Google. These files are stored on cloud or Google servers so that your files are never lost. Here is Google Docs URL:

Google Docs Google Docs

Google™ Docs service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


In fact, Google docs is more than just a storage tool as it also syncs in other Google applications like YouTube, Google calendar, Google maps and others where you can view, edit and manage all under one window.

Let us look at the other features of Google docs.

Storage – One of the best storage space in the market, it offers 15GB of free space. This space does not include space from documents that you create on Google docs which means you can store a ton of files from external sources. Additional space can be purchased at a nominal monthly fee.

Documents management – It is so easy to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations and manage them as well. You may also upload folders, and other files by the click of a button. The files that you edit or create online are auto saved on a timely basis and the edits can be retrieved from revision history option within the files in case of an unfortunate shut down of the working doc. Also these files can be deleted or downloaded. Deleted items are sent to trash which is then permanently deleted on thirty days.

Folders – You can create folders within the drive and drag and drop existing files into the folders to be more organized.

Sharing and Publishing – Another interesting feature offered by Google docs is that of sharing which is controllable on the level of individual file or to folders. You can share your files to a select few or choose to publish your work on the web. There is an easy way to see your own files from the files that are shared with you; a “shared with me” button on the left will help you manage that. Shared documents can be given just view rights, comment rights and rights to view and edit. What’s interesting is that all the members that the document is shared with can edit it at the same time and the activity can be seen by the others. Documents can also be shared with people who are not on Google docs and this will be sent as an attachment via email.

Activity log – There is a small icon on the top left that allows you to see details such as created date, privacy and ownership and also check any modifications that have happened on it since.

If you have the Google drive plug-in, you can also save a certain web page or a document that you are viewing right now, just right click and either save the page as a screen shot picture or as a link. It is that easy.

Google docs have taken cloud computing to the next level by offering much more beyond space.

Google Docs

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