Saturday, 30 August 2014

Google News

What is Google News?

How about your palatable delicacy cooked in distinct kitchens is served to you in one platter in a more digestible form? Wouldn’t it be a delightful experience? This is what Google News is all about. Following X source of news exclusively will never let you fraternize with what Y source has got for you and you may miss out onto something. Google News is a website that aggregates news from worldwide sources, organizing similar stories together and grading them on their relevance, freshness and location. Google News URL:

Google News Google News

Google™ News service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


  • Alerts – Subscribe for e-mail news alert on the topic of your interest.

  • News Archive Search –Update your history by getting archives dating back to 200 years.

  • News for mobile phone –If you are habitual of reading news on to go you can access Google News through your smart phones.

  • Personalized News – Consume only what is toothsome for you. Why read anything and everything?

  • Feeds –Subscribe for various sections of Google News using RSS and Atom feeds and receive updates.


Google News Google News

Google™ News service, Google™ and the Google logo™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission.


Google News holds news relating to the past 30 days. It attends 4500 worldwide sources and produce content of around 25000 publishers. It is accessible for nearly 60 regions and in 28 languages approximately.

Publishers enjoy twin benefit from Google news as their news content is not only included in Google News but also surfaces up in the organic search results for Google web search.

Gazettes are recommended to create separate sitemaps for Google News which will help their content to be discovered faster with display of more accurate information of the publisher.

Discovery Crawl helps crawl up the site of publisher if they update it consistently. Google News identifies news snippets and groups them into clusters and then ranks them on the basis of certain criteria. For e.g. newness, geographic relevance, authenticity etc.

To drive more traffic news agencies can insert large JPEG, PNG, GIF images that meet Google News specifications. Place them adjacent to title to make it relevant to news piece. Appending a You Tube video associated to the subject matter can be a more effective idea.

Ensure a proper and unique URL for your website which is permanent. Your article’s title should be eye catching. Make sure your article fluidity doesn’t break because of comments, links and advertisements. Put the date between title and the article body to make it visible.


Google’s move of not publishing censored content of People’s Republic of China was criticized. It was penalized for $ 17.5 million for violating copyright norms of Agence France-Presse (AFP) as Google News

Google News

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